Library of Law School operation during COVID-19

Κατηγορίες Βιβλιοθήκη Νομικής Σχολής

Following the announcement by the NKUA Library Directorate regarding the operation of the libraries and also the prescribed security measures due to the pandemic, starting on Tuesday 20/10/2020 the Library will be open from 8.30 to 16.30 with extended services :

Following the announcement by the NKUA Library Directorate regarding the operation of the libraries and also the prescribed security measures due to the pandemic, starting on Tuesday 20/10/2020 the Library will be open from 8.30 to 16.30 with extended services:

Studying in the Library

Studying library materials within its premises is not allowed.

Loan Services

Submit your requests using this loan form. All requests will be processed on a "first come, first serve" basis. The Library will contact you by email regarding the exact date you may receive the requested book(s).

You may borrow up to three books which have to be returned by 15:30 the next day. The entrance to the Library is from Solonos St. and the exit is from Mavromichali St. Please wear a face mask and carry your ID card.

All books returned will be quarantined and be available after the end of quarantine period.

Electronic services & e-resources

Electronic services are on full operation.

Contact information

Users can contact with the Library staff for further information on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00 at 2103688065, 2103688067, or via email (, or through social networks (Facebook and Instagram) and live chat service (Ask a librarian) on the website (active chat window at the bottom right of the screen).