Reopening of NKUA's Libraries (June 16th, 2021)


Library & Information Centre Directorate’s Announcement towards the NKUA Community


We are pleased to announce the updated concise NKUA Libraries’ Operation following the Joint Ministerial Decree and in accordance with Article 22 regarding the Reading Rooms operation.

All Libraries will resume full operation starting on June 16, 2021 or by June 21, 2021 on the latest, and will provide all services taking into consideration all necessary safety precautions for both patrons & staff.

Summing up, the key points are the following:


  • Working Hours: All Libraries will decide the working hours for the public among the two designated options: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 16:30 OR Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00. The working hours (or any slight divergent from it)  will be determined based on various factors such as staff availability, safety & protection measures, staff belonging to vulnerable groups,  the distance working percentage etc.
  • All in person provided services (book loan, Reading Rooms study, interlibrary loan, books & Eudoxos returns etc) will require booking an appointment.
  • In regards to the Reading Rooms, 2-hour sessions are recommended (09.00-11.00, 11.15-13.15, 13.30-15.30) which every Library may alter according to its specific needs, aiming at the best & safest possible way to facilitate the patrons, control the visitations and avoid overcrowding during rush hour. Patrons who are required to take a Covid self test may be asked to present the document proving it. The use of a face mask is mandatory for everybody as well as the 1.5 meter distance between patrons as a necessary condition for gaining access to the Library’s Reading Rooms. A recommendation for thorough cleaning & local application of disinfectant on all study area surfaces is also in force.
  • The use of a face mask as well as keeping the safety distances for both the patrons visiting the Library & staff are mandatory.
  • Elevators are to be strictly used by the elderly and those in need.
  • All books will be exclusively retrieved from the Book Rooms by the Library staff. In the Libraries where a Book Room & a Reading Room share the same area, patrons are kindly advised that any access to the Book Room area is prohibited.
  • Additionally, all electronic services & information resources will continue to be remotely provided.
  • Each Library will modify the above instructions according to its special spatial characteristics and available staff and, if needed, will upload further instructions for the patrons on the Library’s website.