Library of the School of Philosophy. A day loan service for external users from Monday 31/5/21
According to the JMD (Government gazette, ΦΕΚ volume 2, 2141/ 22-5-2021) and the announcement of the NKUA Library and Information Center (25/5/2021),…
ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΤΕ ΠΡΟΣΒΑΣΗ στις ηλεκτρονικές υπηρεσίες της ΒΚΠ. Χρειάζεστε Βοήθεια;
According to the JMD (Government gazette, ΦΕΚ volume 2, 2141/ 22-5-2021) and the announcement of the NKUA Library and Information Center (25/5/2021),…
The opening hours of the Library of the school of Philosophy for Easter 2021 will be as follows: Monday (26/4), Tuesday (27/4), Wednesday (28/4) και…
Library of the School of Philosophy will be open from 8.00 p.m to 13.00 p.m on Wednesday (24/3), due to the celebration of Greek Independence Day on…
The library of the School of Philosophy will remain closed today Wednesday 17/2/21 due to the weather conditions.
Library of the School of Philosophy will be open from 8.00 p.m to 12.00 p.m next Tuesday (19/1) and Wednesday (20/1), so that the library staff can…